Definition and objectives
The term orthomolecular 1968 marked by biochemists and two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling (Orthomolecular Psychiatry: Varying Concentrations of Substances normally present in the human body May control mental disease Science 160, 265-271; 1968.).
Orthomolecular medicine deals with substances (molecules) that are normally present in the human body as well as the supply of these natural substances in the diet.
The human body is to remain healthy, dependent on an adequate supply of these natural substances such as vitamins, anti-oxidants, minerals, trace elements, fatty and amino acids. To a large field of orthomolecular medicine include the enzymes that are involved in a large number of biochemical reactions in the human organism, eg. As carbohydrate and protein metabolism.
Molecules (Latin) are the smallest building materials of substances and materials, ortho comes from the Greek and means "true good."
Orthomolecular medicine or therapy is therefore nothing more than the use or administration of the right molecules in the right amounts. The maintenance of health and the treatment of symptoms and diseases is thus based on a change in the concentration of substances in the human body that are normally present in the body and is necessary for health. By changing the diet, omitting unnecessary food and targeted taking mega doses (high doses) of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids and fatty acids, can the imbalances that led to the disease, correct. The concept of orthomolecular medicine is based on the realization that no one lives in a perfect, ideal for him environment. Humans need about 50 different nutrients. All of these nutrients (ortho molecules) must be present in the body in the right concentration to achieve best health and unmatched defense against disease.
The term "mega-vitamin therapy" was the first time in 1952 by the American psychiatrist Humphrey Osmond and Hoffer Abraham to describe high niacin (vitamin B3) - used psychosis - doses in the treatment of schizophrenia, LSD and amphetamine. The "Mega Nutrient Therapy" is a branch of orthomolecular medicine that is constantly expanding and has long been know that all biological interactions of humans with food, water, air and light for good health and the prevention of disease play a crucial role. With cadmium polluted air favors high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries, fluorescent light may hyperactivity, aluminum sulfate and copper-containing drinking water can lead to premature senility, dementia and hypertension, excessive sugar intake promotes diabetes and cardiovascular - diseases, food additives can cause allergies, especially in children.
Orthomolecular medicine also helps the patient to make a more informed understanding of the pollutant-laden environment and ended the processed foods that contain more nutrients. A proper diet and supplementation (taking drugs) with micro-nutrients and anti-oxidants to protect the people against the adverse health effects of lead, cadmium and mercury. A Nutritional therapy is thus to a large extent also corrective and preventive action.
Nutritional therapy is without that term is used deliberately, has long been used in a variety of diseases and used in individual cases of virtually every doctor.
Another example of orthomolecular therapy, acute and chronic liver diseases, leading to a "hepatic encephalopathy" So malfunction of the brain lead to changes in the personality structure, impairment of psychomotor skills such as driving ability, concentration and memory etc. In severe cases, it can even a coma occur, in which "hepatic encephalopathy" is found in the patient blood, the branched chain amino acids valine, leucine and isoleucine significantly reduced, while the so-called aromatic amino acids such as phenylalanine and Tryptopan are increased on the other side.
Orthomolecular therapy thus consists auseinem mixture with much branched chain amino acids and little aromatic amino acids, they will lead to a significant improvement!
Another well-known example is the so-called gluten-sensitive enteropathy, known as celiac disease or non-tropical sprue, a by grain protein (gluten) induced disease of the small intestine. For the treatment in the food, all grain products containing gluten, omitted. To cover the mineral and vitamin requirements suitable compounds are taken because of the significantly limited food selection no auseichende recording according to the daily requirement of minerals is possible. Also in this orthomolecular therapy harmful substances are eliminated and moreover orthomolecular substances (vitamins, trace elements, etc.) supplied.
Fatty acids are vital to the human body because they can not be established by the body itself. In western industrialized countries, there is often a shortage of omega 3 - fatty acids (eg, eicosapentaenoic acid) because these fats are found mainly in fish and game. However, the weekly consumption of fish is low in many people. The supply of fatty acids omega - 6 - type (eg linoleic acid) is usually sufficient.
Omega-3 - fatty acids may, therefore, as the increasingly takes place today, be used therapeutically in the form of fish oil capsules to lower elevated blood fats (triglycerides), of course, further they seem excessive Verklumpbarkeit of platelets (thrombocytes) counter and thus improve the blood flow and the supply of oxygen to the organs, these fatty acids reduce further elevated blood pressure (hypertension). This can be a positive influence in a natural way and without side effects significant risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis and thus CHD (coronary heart disease) as well as heart and stroke by administration of orthomolecular omega-3 fatty acids.
Orthomolecular therapy with individual vitamins are given in the textbooks of internal medicine and performed in daily medical practice for a long time. This includes the administration of vitamin B12 by the physician in pernicious anemia, vitamin D and calcium in osteoporosis (brittle bones) and vitamin E for rheumatism. Orthomolecular medicine is based on scientifically rigorous, logical measurable medical and biochemical basis.
Orthomolecular medicine is not looking for chemical drugs which only eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but looks natural agents that treat the root cause of a disease. The use of chemical drugs is not rejected in principle, where the administration is really necessary, but it will be the limits of this chemical medicines and especially their side effects followed precisely.
In all cases, however, provide the body's own (orthomolecular) substances that are administered in the right quantity, an important part of the treatment of any disease is! Orthomolecular medicine is neither an enemy nor a substitute of conventional medicine, but as it is their natural partner. Orthomolecular medicine is rather conventional medicine, but is treated mainly with endogenous substances.
It is also important to note that orthomolecular medicine is not a cure for the treatment of all diseases, but they can be an important prerequisite for good health and the treatment of disease. Some patients experienced only by an orthomolecular therapy to improve, while other patients again next orthomolecular therapy, and chemical drugs need.
To investigate deficiencies in vitamins, trace elements, minerals etc. and just set the daily additional needs by taking appropriate preparations by a physician, precise laboratory analyzes in blood and urine are recommended.
In front of a "self-medication" with nutrient supplements, however, must be discouraged!
Since the orthomolecular medicine is based on extensive scientific work and research that have been published in many medical journals, she has a firm place in medicine.
Dr. med. Univ. Peter H. Lauda