Dr. Peter Heinrich Lauda in a ORF III feature on vitamins
Dr. univ. med. Peter H. Lauda in a feature of ORF IIIs Monday Specials
28.11.2016, 8.15pm
Freie Radikale
Free radicals
Dr. med. univ. Peter H. Lauda in the interview of the ORF magazine "Sommerzeit" on the subject of free radicals
Bewusst Gesund
Die Kraft des Kürbis - Gesundes Essen mit dem "Grünen Gold"
The power of the pumpkin - healthy food with the "green gold"
Dr. med. univ. Peter H. Lauda in a post of the ORF health magazine "Bewusst Gesund" on the subject of free radicals and antioxidants
5. 11, 2011
The radio doctor - medicine and health
Orthomolekulare Medizin: Nützen oder schaden Vitaminbomben?
Orthomolecular Medicine: benefit or harm vitamin bombs?

Dr. med. univ. Peter H. Lauda in a post of the ORF radio "Radio doctor" on the subject of health magazine orthomolecular medicine
14 October 2013
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