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Dr. Peter H. Lauda: Scientific papers and publications

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The importance of trace elements

Part 1: General (biochemical) Basics


Definition of the trace elements

The totality of the elements of the earth can be divided into two groups metals and non-metals. Higher organisms such as humans consist largely of non-metals. In humans, non-metals, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and chloride make up 98.1% of body weight, while the metals only with

1.9% are involved in the construction. Of these 1.9% but already accounts for 1.888% on the four minerals (electrolytes), potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium. The actual trace elements add up to only 0.012% or 8.61 g (!) Of body weight. But this very small fraction of the body mass dominates the biochemical processes in the organism in a previously not considered possible extent.

The knowledge of the vital functions of trace elements is less than 100 years old, with the exception of iron and iodine.

Even the ancient Egyptians knew 3000 v. Chr. The strengthening effect of the iron. For this purpose, they drank against the "chlorosis" that the cooling of forged iron parts made use of water. Already 1000 v. Chr. Treated the Greeks from goitre affected people with the ashes of sea sponges. Their high content of iodine was only discovered in 1819. 100 years later, the high iodine content of the thyroid hormone thyroxine has been detected.

In the 19th century the presence of certain elements with the help of sensitive chemical color reactions or emission spectroscopy could indeed be detected, but only qualitatively. In this way, the occurrence has been detected by numerous rare elements in foods. For an exact analysis of the precision of the method was not sufficient. From that time, the general term "trace elements" for elements such as iron, copper, zinc, manganese, molybdenum and iodine.

Today is meant by the term trace element is a metal or non-metal, whose content in human tissue is less than 50 mg per kg body weight (Tab. 1). Very fine, modern investigation techniques, such as atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS), have significantly contributed to the much more precise definition.


Trace elements are micronutrients

Trace elements include, in addition to vitamins and minerals, the so-called micronutrients (Tab. 2). The definition of macro and micro nutrients is carried out through the crowd to the other over the function. Micronutrients are needed only in very small quantities and are neither energy nor building materials supplier for the cells.

However, they are involved in mediating and controlling biochemical processes and thus an indispensable component of numerous metabolic reactions. Trace elements must, like vitamins and minerals, are constantly taken with food, because man can not make them yourself.

Trace elements such as vitamins absolutely vital. They play an important role as central atoms in certain proteins (proteins) and vitamins that satisfy catalytic (controlling) functions in enzymes that determine the spatial arrangement of proteins that activate hormones that control the ion balance and are necessary for hormone synthesis (Tab. 3).


Trace elements as important components of anti-oxidative enzymes

Most trace elements are components of enzymes. Some of these enzymes are highly effective in removing various oxygen radicals or their precursors and thus the health of the people of very great importance, as it anti-oxidant and thus cytoprotective effect (using the topics "free radicals - Oxidative stress - Anti-oxidants - environmental pollutants "was changed to" reported Healthier life "4 and 5/1999).

Here are some examples: the superoxide dismutase of the mitochondrial membrane in its active site contains manganese ions and the water-soluble Superoxisdismutase of the cytoplasm in all living things contain copper and zinc ions . A ferrous enzyme, the catalase , provides in the liver and in each individual erythrocytes that the concentration of hydrogen peroxide always remains low. The most important enzyme for rendering harmless of certain free radicals (peroxides) is the selenium-containing glutathione peroxidase , of which there are two variants in the human body.


Trace element deficiency on the example of selenium

Because of the recognized unfortunately only in recent years the vital functions of the trace elements, especially as part of anti-oxidative enzymes is obvious that a deficiency can inevitably lead to a variety of symptoms and diseases. Many reputable studies published in peer-reviewed journals to back this up.

The latest issue is the biochemistry of selenium. About the realization that selenium is a necessity of life, we have only in recent years. Without an adequate supply of selenium is not possible to live in health. This fact has even been denied unfortunately for decades! Because selenium is present in virtually all tissues, the consequences of oxidative stress in selenium deficiency can express (and simultaneous lack of other anti-oxidants) by numerous clinical symptoms: for example, the selenium content of blood samples of various blood banks from 27 countries were examined. It was found that correlated low selenium levels and selenium deficiency with an increased cancer mortality. Conversely, the incidence of cancer was significantly reduced early nineties with nearly 30,000 Chinese through targeted intake of vitamin E, beta-carotene and selenium as part of the "Linxian study" in China.

Prof. Kuklinski of Rostock, a pioneer of micronutrient and anti-oxidants research, noted that even a 6stündiges sun lipid peroxidation, ie the destruction of cell membranes, over a period of 2 (!) Weeks heats up to 3 times. Were taken 14 days before exposure to the sun regularly anti-oxidants, including selenium, so the damaging free radical stress was prevented. Studies confirm that heart / circulatory diseases often correlate with a selenium deficiency. Similarly, the incidence of death after myocardial infarction and stroke was reduced by selenium and anti-oxidant intake.

The radio and chemotherapy of cancer and the oxygen therapies lead to increased formation of free radicals and peroxides. These therapies should be performed according to current knowledge with concomitant anti-oxidant protection. Selenium and other anti-oxidants, especially in combination, capable of reducing the often severe side effects of these therapies on healthy tissue.


Micronutrient deficiency despite "balanced" diet

The statement said that to meet the daily needs of micronutrients, especially the anti-oxidant vitamins and trace elements, a balanced diet is sufficient, is theoretical and based mostly on "Calculations". This statement is simply wrong and corresponds especially not the observations and experiences in daily practice!

Largely unnoticed remains about the fact that people today are faced with a multitude of environmental pollutants, as was certainly not the case 20 or 30 years ago.

Routine analyzes of vitamins, minerals and trace elements in blood on a variety of diseased as well as healthy people (adults and children!) Show an often considerable lack of certain vitamins and trace elements (Tab. 4), especially in combination with a high load of environmental pollutants, such. as lead, cadmium, mercury, thallium. Even people who are "balanced" diet, show such deficiencies. It is a fact proved by food and soil analysis, that the food or food chain always less (micro) contains nutrients. In contrast, just is the constant increase of pollutants in our environment.

For example: analysis of the food chain by Prof. Hart Fell, Bonn, gave low selenium levels in all plant foods. This is attributable to environmental changes. The important element selenium comes in different valence states before (Se6 + to Se2-; this indicates how the outer electrons of selenium behave in chemical compounds). Plants can absorb only Se6 +. The use of fossil fuels get residues in the soil, which acidify it and convert the selenium in lower oxidation states, which can no longer absorb the plants. With a selenium fertilization this deficiency can not be remedied by the way. While useful for humans metals such as selenium "impoverished" the food chain enriched with harmful elements. From the above-mentioned reason, namely the acidification of the soil, the plant takes on increasingly toxic heavy metals. Here may be mentioned especially the highly toxic and carcinogenic cadmium.


Overdose of harmful trace elements

As important and essential trace elements are also for the health of man, but must be explicitly warned before taking its own Guttünchen or "recommendation" of friends and acquaintances.

Especially with the trace elements, the area between beneficial and harmful is very low, ie, even a small overdose can be dangerous and even poisonous. Too much is therefore just as bad as too little. This is also true for other micronutrients such as vitamins. Vitamin C applies, for example as the most important exogenous (supplied from outside) Anti-oxidant to the aqueous phase, which reacts with superoxide radicals, hydroxyl radicals, singlet oxygen and hydrogen peroxide under Betreistellung a hydrogen atom. The resulting Semihydroascorbatradikal disproportionated with a half life of 0.17 seconds and vitamin C and dehydroascorbate. The regeneration of oxidized vitamin C is performed by glutathione. Another function of vitamin C is in the regeneration of

Vitamin E. In the presence of free transition metal ions such as iron and copper, vitamin C, however, can also act pro-oxidative and accelerate the formation of particularly dangerous hydroxyl radicals. Importantly, this is at too high iron and copper levels in the blood.

This appears all the more important because it is one of just vitamin C to those vitamins that are taken in the general population prefers at will under the false notion "the more, the better!"

Only blood analysis can clarify what you really need.


Blood tests recommended

The importance of trace elements for human health but also the dangers of uncritical intake, it is recommended to analyze these precisely in the blood. Only in this way deficiencies can be detected and compensated by appropriate preparations. Damaging doses of micronutrients, especially trace elements can be avoided in this way.

Significance of such analyzes both in prevention and in the treatment of diseases.

Must be emphasized that everyone ultimately has an individual requirement of micronutrients, he is also unique in this respect, similar to his (genetically determined) fingerprint.

Only through an analysis be prescribed taking into account special living conditions (smoking, alcohol, environmental pollutants, workplace, etc.), the individual needs of the experienced physician determined and appropriate preparations.

Although this article was often the talk of selenium, then shall in no way mean that the other trace elements are less important for the health of the people. Therefore, in particular the function and biochemistry of some little-known trace elements such as germanium, silicon, boron and arsenic is explained in the next issue.


Book recommendations on the subject

(in german language)

Bodo Kuklinski, Ina van Lunteren:

Neue Chancen - Zellschutz durch Anti-Oxidantien

LebensBaum Verlag, Bielefeld

ISBN 3-928430-04-1


Norbert Fuchs

Mit Nährstoffen heilen

Reglin Verlag, Cologne

ISBN 3-930620-21-



Tab. 1


trace elements
certain amino acids
fatty acids

Tab. 2


Central atom in certain proteins and vitamins
control enzymes
Spatial arrangement of proteins
activation hormones
ion balance
hormone synthesis
Tab. 3

micronutrient - deficiency (common)

trace elements

Iron (intracellular)

Vitamin B complex (B1, B2, B6, B12)
folic acid
vitamin H
vitamin C


Part 2: silicon, germanium, boron, arsenic


In the last issue of "GesünderLEBEN" some general, biochemical foundations of the many functions of trace elements have been described.

In this paper will now be discussed in more detail on some little-known trace elements namely silicon, germanium, boron and arsenic.



Silicon is the most abundant element in addition to oxygen of the earth's crust (about 28%). Very late, namely in 1972, it was discovered that silicon in the form of silica is vital for humans. Silicon dioxide is also known as silica or diatomaceous earth.

Silicon is actively involved in the calcification process of bone as well as the structure of the connective tissue and cartilage. Both contain mucus substances whose formation is inhibited in silicon deficiency. With age, the content of the arteries and skin of silicon decreases. A lack of silicon leads among other things to premature aging of the blood vessels and skin. Some studies have shown a depletion of the skin of silicon in atopic dermatitis.

By silicon and collagen formation is stimulated. It is a close relationship and cooperation with vitamin C. The body of an adult human contains about 1.4 g of silicon.

Much silicon contained in unpeeled grains and bran. Also included beer, mushrooms tomatoes and cauliflower, albeit in smaller amount of silicon. Horsetail is a silicon-rich medicinal plant.



After Russian studies have shown that germanium has antitumor properties, the Japanese hut Civil K. Asai began in the fifties to study this trace element itself. He discovered, among other things, that it has as well as silicon semiconductor properties as electron carriers. It supports Asai his opinion that germanium is supplied even in minimal amounts, has positive, oxygen-sparing effects for the human cell. There is also evidence that (natural killer cells) increase in their activity, mysterious trace element is an important component of the immune system, namely NK and increase the production of interferon. Furthermore, it is likely to have an anti-oxidant, that is, it can make harmful free radicals ineffective. Also, in some works of germanium analgesic, circulation-and potency-enhancing, liver tonic, anti-tumor and anti-viral effects are assumed.

A particularly high content of germanium has garlic, which should be at least one of the explanations for the already known since time immemorial, health benefits of garlic. Furthermore, germanium is present in Japanese ginseng species, Aloe and chlorella.



In the German literature on trace elements boron is either not mentioned or referred to as non-essential for humans. Nevertheless, American studies have shown that a daily intake of 2-3 mg boron improves calcium absorption in the bones and calcium magnesium us excretion was significantly reduced by the kidneys. This has been advised of the magnesium and calcium-sparing effect on blood flow induced heart disease and postmenopausal osteoporosis. To 1986 (!) No biological function was known for boron. Then, however, it was found that women in menopause, the low boron supply (about 0.25 mg / day) have, the excretion of calcium and magnesium in the urine was significantly increased. This is considered a major risk factor for the development of osteoporosis and hip fractures the dreaded age.

Already after 8 days of supplementation with boron 3mg per day excretion declined by 40%. The further clarification of the underlying biochemical mechanism revealed that boron stimulates an enzyme which is necessary for the formation of estrogens and vitamin D3. With boron-supplemented women therefore had higher hormone levels. The total volume of the body is given as 48 mg. Boron occurs especially in leafy vegetables, nuts and whole-grain.



For most people, the name of arsenic is the epitome of a murder poison. That's true even so, because as of a certain amount of arsenic acts as a poison.

It is, however, such as selenium, a semi-metal and is expected to be a life notweniges trace element according to the latest findings for humans. Arsenic is what concerns research findings, most likely go a similar route as selenium, which was once considered toxic, carcinogenic and therefore undesirable. Today, however, we know that when selenium exactly the opposite is the case!

Much evidence today on an anti-oxidative function of arsenic in the human body and even effects in the immune system and blood metabolism. Arsenic deficiency results for example in goats to premature death from heart attack. The arsenic metabolism is closely linked with that of zinc, choline, methionine, vitamin B6, taurine and arginine, so micronutrients, which are known for human health is of paramount importance!

Like selenium, the body contains about 14 mg of arsenic.

Amazing is the antagonism of arsenic and selenium. Both are, individually and administered in a certain dose, quite toxic. In mixtures, however, one raises the toxicity of the other partially. A rather unusual situation in the field of toxicology. The same is true for the highly toxic cadmium and methylmercury, which are both also detoxified by selenium.

Relevant levels of arsenic found in rice, corn, various fruits, and especially in the potato.

For hardly any other element, such as arsenic, is Paracelsus' historical maxim, according to which it makes the dose whether a substance will be for the benefit or harm of the user:

"The dose makes the poison"

Mikronährstoffe und ihre Bedeutung für den Menschen

Vitamin Forum, Sommer 2002


Im Vitamin Forum werden wir Ihnen in Zukunft hochinteressante Gespräche mit Experten zu verschiedensten Themen präsentieren. Unser erster Gast ist Dr. med. univ. Peter H. Lauda. Er ist Spezialist auf dem Gebiet der Mikronährstoffe und beschäftigt sich bereits seit 25 Jahren mit Vitaminen und Antioxidantien. Dr. Lauda wird uns einen Einblick geben, wie er seine Patienten mit Mikronährstoffen behandelt und wie es tatsächlich mit der Versorgung der Bevölkerung mit diesen wichtigen Vitalstoffen aussieht.


Huber: Herr Dr. Lauda, Sie werden als "Vitamindoktor" bezeichnet, weil Sie Ihre Patienten in erster Linie mit Vitaminen und anderen Mikronährstoffen behandeln. Wie gehen Sie dabei vor ?

Dr. Lauda: Jeder Patient erhält ein individuell angepaßtes Therapieschema mit Mikronährstoffen und Anti-Oxidantien. Als Grundlage für die Erstellung dieses Therapieschemas dienen ein ausführliches Arztgespräch (Anamnese), das im Schnitt zwei Stunden dauert. Weiters eine gründliche körperliche Untersuchung (Herz, Lunge, Haut, Haare, Nägel, Wirbelsäule, etc.) inklusive EKG. Der wohl wichtigste Punkt bei der Erstellung des Therapieschemas sind jedoch die Spezialanalysen, das heißt, die exakte Analyse aller Vitamine, Spurenelemente, Mineralien, Aminosäuren, Fettsäuren, Glutathion u.a. in Blut und Harn. Insbesondere die Messungen in der Zelle (intrazellulär) sind gut geeignet, Vitamin- und andere Nährstoffdefizite festzustellen.

Huber: Warum haben Sie sich eigentlich entschlossen, Ihre Patienten mit Vitaminen zu heilen und nicht herkömmliche Medikamente einzusetzen ?

Dr. Lauda: Auf der Suche nach dem kleinsten gemeinsamen Nenner von Krankheiten und den mit ihnen Hand in Hand gehenden Stoffwechselveränderungen landet man früher oder später bei der Biochemie der Zelle. Und wie in jedem anderen chemischen Betrieb kann es auch in der Zelle zu Betriebsunfällen kommen. Erst in den letzten Jahrzehnten erkannte man, daß das grundsätzliche Muster dieser chemischen Unfälle immer gleich ist.
Die Ursachen und Krankheitsbilder mochten dabei noch so unterschiedlich sein. Sie alle entstanden nach einem einheitlichen Prinzip aus biochemischen Entgleisungen. In sehr vielen Fällen sind die Verursacher dieser Betriebsunfälle sehr aggressive Substanzen, die sogenannten Freien Radikale.
Die Zahl wissenschaftlicher Publikationen über den Einsatz von Vitaminen und Spurenelementen in der Therapie von Krankheiten wird immer größer und diese Substanzen werden deshalb auch zunehmend in schulmedizinische Therapien integriert. Bekannte Beispiele sind z. B. die Behandlung überhöhter Homocystein-Werte mit Vitamin B6, B12 und Folsäure. Homocystein ist, neben Lipoprotein-a, der aussagekräftigste Risikofaktor im Hinblick auf arteriosklerotische Veränderungen (Herzinfarkt, Hirnschlag).

Huber: Gibt es viele Ärzte in Österreich, die wie Sie Mikronährstoffe zur Behandlung einsetzen ?

Dr. Lauda: Es gibt doch eine Reihe von Ärztinnen und Ärzte in Österreich, die sich auf diese Form der Medizin, auch als Orthomolekulare Medizin bezeichnet, spezialisieren. Dabei handelt es sich aber leider noch um eine Minderheit. Die Skepsis einiger meiner Kolleginnen und Kollegen gegenüber den Mikronährstoffen rührt wahrscheinlich noch von einer Zeit her, als darüber einfach noch zu wenig wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse und Studien vorlagen. Ich habe für diese Skepsis aber Verständnis, da es dem Arzt primär einmal darum geht, dem Patienten nicht zu schaden. Aber gerade auf dem Gebiet der Freien Radikale und Anti-Oxidantien wird zur Zeit viel geforscht. Allein zum Thema "Glutathion und Krebs" gibt es derzeit über 6000 in medizinischen Fachzeitschriften publizierte Arbeiten.

Huber: Sie sprechen oft von Mikronährstoffen. Was zählen Sie dazu und wie groß ist ihre Bedeutung für die Gesundheit des Menschen ?

Dr. Lauda: Mikronährstoffe sind in erster Linie an vermittelnden und steuernden biochemischen Prozessen beteiligt und somit ein wichtiger Bestandteil unzählicher Stoffwechselreaktionen. Man könnte auch sagen, dass Mikronährstoffe gleichsam die Gesundheit steuern. Defizite an diesen lebensnotwendigen Substanzen führen demnach unweigerlich zu Fehlfunktionen in biochemischen Abläufen, die sich dann als verschiedene Krankheitssymptome und letztlich Krankheiten äußern. Von den Mikronährstoffen unterscheiden muss man die Makronährstoffe, das sind Kohlenhydrate, Fette und Proteine. Die heutzutage übliche, gesunde Ernährungsweise vieler Menschen besteht vor allem aus einem zu hohen Konsum von Kohlenhydraten (Zucker) und tierischer Fette. Dem gegenüber steht eine mangelhafte Zufuhr von Mikronährstoffen in Form von frischem Obst und Gemüse. Diese ungesunde Ernährungsweise ist neben Bewegungsmangel, sicher die Hauptursache für eine Reihe von sogenannten "Zivilisationskrankheiten" wie Herz- und Gefäßkrankheiten (Bluthochdruck, Herzinfarkt, Schlaganfall), Allergien, Gelenks- und Rückenleiden und Krebs.

Zu den MIKRONÄHRSTOFFEN zählt man:
o Vitamine - z. B. Beta-Carotin, A, C, E, B1, B3, B6, Pantothensäure, Folsäure
o Mineralstoffe - z. B. Kalium, Calcium, Phosphor, Magnesium
o Spurenelemente - z. B. Selen, Kupfer, Zink, Mangan, Eisen, Chrom, Molybdän
o Aminosäuren - z. B. Methionin, Cystein, Glutamin
o Sekundäre Pflanzeninhaltstoffe - z. B. Curcumin, Flavonoide, Indole, Saponine, Phytosterole
o Fettsäuren - Omega-3-Fettsäuren, Omega-6-Fettsäuren
o Co-Q10, Carnitin, Melatonin, Alpha-Liponsäure, u.a.

Huber: Kann man also sagen, daß auch ein Mangel an Mikronährstoffen die Ursache bestimmter Krankheiten sein könnte?

Dr. Lauda: Es gibt tatsächlich Symptome und Krankheiten, bei denen Mikronährstoffdefizite zumindest eine Mitursache sind. Ich habe in der Praxis zum Beispiel noch keinen Fall von Skorbut gesehen, dem Vollbild eines extremen Vitamin C-Mangels, wie es zu Zeiten der Seefahrer im Mittelalter häufig vorgekommen ist. Heute spielt eher die schleichende Unterversorgungen mit Mikronährstoffen eine entscheidende Rolle. Diese gilt es aufzudecken, was mit Hilfe der bereits erwähnten Analysen möglich ist. An Defiziten von Mikronährstoffen muss man vor allem dann denken, wenn es sich um unspezifische Symptome handelt, d.h. Symptome, die keiner der bekannten klassischen Krankheiten zugeordnet werden können, z.B. unklare Magen- Darmbeschwerden, chronische Müdigkeit und Antriebslosigkeit, Gedächtnis- und Konzentrationsprobleme, Schmerz- und Verspannungszustände. Eine weitere, wichtige Ursache für unspezifische Symptome sind auch Belastungen mit Umweltschadstoffen.

Huber: Wenn Mikronährstoffe wie Vitamine und Mineralstoffe die Grundlage für unsere Gesundheit sind, müßte dies doch ein wichtiger Teil des Medizinstudiums sein. Ist dies der Fall ?

Dr. Lauda: Derzeit leider nicht. Ich bin aber voller Hoffnung, dass sich das in den nächsten Jahren aufgrund der zwischenzeitlich vorliegenden Studien und wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen ändern wird und muss.

Huber: Gibt es Untersuchungen die eindeutig dokumentieren, ob unsere Nahrung noch ausreichende Mengen an Mikronährstoffen liefert?

Dr. Lauda: Eine Untersuchung der Justus-Liebig-Universität in Giessen (Deutschland), hat gezeigt, dass Obst und Gemüse heute erheblich weniger Mikronährstoffe enthalten als noch vor 30 Jahren. Fast täglich werden neue Zahlen über Schadstoffbelastungen in Lebensmittel veröffentlicht. Das sind sicherlich Fakten, die heute wohl niemand mehr ernsthaft bestreiten kann. Ein weiteres, ebenfalls nicht wegzudiskutierendes Faktum ist auch, dass sich bei den, bei jedem Patienten in meiner Ordination routinemäßig durchgeführten Vitamin- und Spurenelement-Analysen recht gut die Defizite an bestimmten Mikronährstoffen in der Nahrung widerspiegeln. So ist weithin bekannt, dass die Böden, vor allem in unseren Breitengraden, arm an Selen sind. Tatsächlich findet man auch bei vielen Menschen mehr oder weniger ausgeprägte Selen-Defizite im Körper.

Huber: Ist die Ursache, warum unsere Nahrung jetzt weniger Vitalstoffe enthalten könnte, bekannt ?

Dr. Lauda: Die Hauptursachen sind Überdüngung, Mehrfachernten, saurer Regen sowie der massive Einsatz von Pestiziden (Spritzmittel). Die Abnahme der Vitalstoffe in der Nahrung korreliert übrigens recht gut mit der Zunahme der Umweltbelastungen z. B. giftige Schwermetalle.
Schwermetalle verändern die chemische Struktur von Spurenelementen, genauer gesagt deren chemische Wertigkeit. In dieser veränderten Wertigkeit können die Spurenelemente nicht mehr von den Pflanzen aufgenommen werden und stehen uns so in der Nahrung auch nicht mehr bzw. in zu geringer Menge zur Verfügung. Um diese geänderte Umweltsituation zu verstehen, muss man allerdings kein Experte sein, allein der Hausverstand ist hier schon ausreichend !

Huber: Warum versuchen uns diverse Ernährungsexperten gebetsmühlartig über die Medien dennoch zu überzeugen, dass eine ausgewogene Ernährung alles enthält was wir brauchen, um gesund zu bleiben. Wie kommt es zu diesen entgegengesetzten Empfehlungen ?

Dr. Lauda: Das Hauptproblem bei diesen "Empfehlungen" ist, dass viele dieser selbsternannten Experten zum einen nicht über das nötige medizinische Hintergrundwissen verfügen und vor allem nie oder kaum entsprechende Blutanalysen durchgeführt haben! Das Ganze läuft sozusagen auf einer rein theoretisierenden Schiene ab und hat mit der täglichen Praxis bzw. der biochemischen Wirklichkeit kaum etwas zu tun. Die Behauptung, wonach durch eine "ausgewogene" Ernährung der Mikronährstoffbedarf des Menschen abgedeckt werden könnte und somit keine zusätzliche Einnahme von Vitaminen und anderen Mikronährstoffen notwendig sei, verweise ich klipp und klar ins Reich der Märchen!
Eine solche Behauptung ist auch ein Schlag ins Gesicht von Patienten, bei denen ein Defizit an Mikronährstoffen zu bestimmten Symptomen und Krankheiten geführt haben. Sehr häufig finden sich auch Entgiftungsdefizite der Phase 1 und Phase 2 (Leber). Ich kann dies durch jahrelang konsequent durchgeführte Analysen an einer Vielzahl von Patienten wie auch gesunden Menschen dokumentieren.
Wer beim heutigen Stand des Wissens um die Bedeutung der Mikronährstoffe und Anti-Oxidantien so etwas noch immer behauptet, zeigt ganz klar, dass er die diesbezüglichen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten und Publikationen nicht kennt !
Eigentlich können bei jedem Menschen mehr oder weniger ausgeprägte Defizite an Vitaminen, Mineralstoffen, Spurenelementen, Aminosäuren und Fettsäuren, etc. nachgewiesen werden. Leider muß man festhalten, dass zu diesem wichtigen Thema in der Öffentlichkeit nur sehr selten jene Kollegen befragt werden, die auch über ausreichende praktische Erfahrung verfügen! Nur so könnte sich die Bevölkerung ein klares Bild von der tatsächlichen Situation machen.

Huber: Brauchen wir alle gleich viel Vitamine oder ist die Menge vom individuellen Lebensstil und anderen Faktoren abhängig ?

Dr. Lauda: Jeder Mensch hat einen individuell unterschiedlichen Bedarf an Mikronährstoffen. Er ist diesbezüglich einzigartig wie auch sein Fingerabdruck. Es gibt zweifelsohne Umstände bzw. Situationen, in denen der Nährstoffbedarf deutlich erhöht ist. Dazu zählen u. a. sportliche bzw. körperliche Aktivitäten, Arbeitsstress, Schwangerschaft, Rauchen und Alkoholkonsum, ungesunde Ernährung, Wachstumsphasen beim Kind. In den Diskussionen um den Vitaminbedarf wird auch immer wieder übersehen, dass die Menschen zunehmend mit einer Vielzahl an Schadstoffen (z.B. Schwermetalle, Pestizide, usw.) belastet werden und auch schon von dieser Seite her einen deutlich erhöhten Bedarf an Vitaminen, Mineralstoffen und Spurenelementen haben als etwa vor 40 oder 50 Jahren. Es ist aus meiner Sicht geradezu grotesk, wenn diese geänderten Umweltbedingungen und zum Teil komplexen Schadstoffbelastungen der Menschen überhaupt nicht in einem Zusammenhang mit dem täglichen Bedarf an Mikronährstoffen gesehen werden. Mikronährstoffe spielen schließlich auch eine wichtige Rolle bei der Entgiftung von Schadstoffen.

Huber: Gibt es bei der Einnahme von Nahrungsergänzungen wie Vitaminen,
Mineralstoffen, Spurenelementen, Carnitin, etc. Empfehlungen von Ihrer Seite ?

Dr. Lauda: Man sollte grundsätzlich unterscheiden zwischen der Einnahme von Mikronährstoffen zur Ergänzung der Nahrung um die Gesundheit zu erhalten und dem gezielten Einsatz zur Therapie von bestimmten Krankheiten.
Bei der Ergänzung der Nahrung um gesund zu bleiben ist wichtig, daß ein breites Spektrum an Vitalstoffen, ähnlich wie in der Natur vorkommend, regelmäßig eingenommen wird. Im Idealfall kann der individuelle Bedarf durch dementsprechende Analysen festgestellt werden.
Wenn Mikronährstoffe aber zur Therapie von Krankheiten eingesetzt werden, so sollte dies ausschließlich durch den Arzt erfolgen. Analysen sind dann absolut notwendig. Ich warne in diesem Zusammenhang ausdrücklich vor der Selbstmedikation, d.h. Krankheiten mit diesen hochwirksamen Substanzen zu behandeln !

Huber: Was können Sie uns noch empfehlen, um gesund und fit zu bleiben ?

Dr. Lauda: Ein gesunder Lebensstil besteht im wesentlichen aus vier Säulen:

Die erste Säule und die vielleicht wichtigste ist die maß- und sinnvolle körperliche Aktivität. Der griechische Philosoph und Arzt Hippokrates hat schon vor tausenden Jahren den bis heute gültigen Spruch geprägt: Bewegung ist des Menschen wichtigste Medizin !
Besonders zu empfehlen sind dabei Ausdauersportarten wie Laufen, Radfahren, Mountainbiking, Inlineskating, etc. bei denen vor allem große Muskelgruppen bewegt werden. Abgerundet und ergänzt werden sollte dieses Ausdauertraining durch Dehnübungen und gezieltes Fit-nesstraining zur Kräftigung der Muskulatur, insbesondere im Schulter-, Bauch- und Rückenbereich. Letzeres ist auch die wirksamste Prävention vor haltungsbedingten Rückenschmerzen. Ausdauersport sollte prinzipiell nur mit mäßiger Intensität betrieben werden. Das oftmals beobachtete Schinden ist vollkommen out. Dies kann unter anderem zu massivem Oxidativen Stress führen, welcher sich wiederum
gesundheitsschädigend auswirkt.
Die zweite Säule ist die Ernährung. Es steht ausser Diskussion, dass sich jeder Mensch bemühen sollte, sich möglichst gesund zu ernähren. Als Prototyp einer gesunden Ernährung könnte die sogenannte mediterrane Küche gelten, wie man sie in Mittelmeerländern wie Italien und Griechenland antrifft. Dazu zählen viel frisches Obst und Gemüse aus der
Region, viel Fisch, wenig tierische Fette in Form von Fleisch und Wurst, wenig weißer Zucker und andere raffinierte Lebensmittel. Auch die in dieser Küche viel verwendeten kalt gepressten Öle wie Olivenöl haben nachweislich gesundheitsfördernde Effekte.
Die dritte Säule um gesund und fit zu bleiben ist das seelische Gleichgewicht. Hier muss jeder Mensch seine individuelle Strategie entwickeln, um dieses zu erlangen. Allgemein gültig ist sicher die Em-pfehlung: "Zurück zur Natur." Oder umgekehrt. "Je weiter sich der Mensch von der Natur entfernt, umso kränker wird er
Die vierte Säule ist die Ergänzung der Nahrung mit Mikronährstoffen und Anti-Oxidantien. Entsprechende Blut- und Harnanalysen in diese Richtung zur Bestimmung des individuellen Bedarfs sind sehr zu empfehlen.
Folgende Analysen sind bei einem gesunden Menschen empfehlenswert, um den tatsächlichen Mikronährstoffbedarf festzustellen:
o TAS (Gesamt-Anti-Oxidantien-Status)
o MDA (Malondialdehyd)
o HNE (Hydroxynonenale)
o Zink
o Selen
o Vitamin C
o Vitamin E
o Vitamin B6
o Glutathion-S-Transferase-tetha
o Homocystein

Huber: Man liest und hört heute viel von Freien Radikalen, und vor allem, dass sie schädlich für den Organismus sein sollen. Um was handelt es sich nun genau bei diesen sogenannten Freien Radikalen und welche Krankheiten können durch sie entstehen ?

Dr. Lauda: Stoffwechselprozeße im menschlichen Organismus sind nichts anderes als komplexe biochemische Reaktionsabläufe. Dabei entstehen unter anderem auch hochreaktive Moleküle, die als Freie Radikale bezeichnet werden. Es gibt aber auch viele "äußere" Ursachen für die Entstehung von Freien Radikalen. Dazu zählen Belastungen mit Umweltschadstoffen wie Blei, Cadmium, Quecksilber, Pestizide, Herbizide, Stickoxide, Ozon, Smog, Abgase und Stäube aus Straßenverkehr und Industrie, intensive Sonnenbäder, Ozon, Rauchen, etc. Freie Radikale besitzen ein oder mehrere ungepaarte Elektronen und sind deshalb, chemisch gesehen, sehr aggressiv. Sie wirken oxidativ ("verbrennend"), neigen zu Kettenreaktionen und können jede beliebige biologische Struktur (z. B. Aminosäuren, Zellmembranen, Erbsubstanz) angreifen, diese schädigen oder gar zerstören. Der menschliche Organismus macht sich diese zerstörerische Kraft der Freien Radikale zunutze, um mit deren Hilfe zum Beispiel Bakterien und Viren im Rahmen von Immunleistungen abzutöten. Freie Radikale sind deshalb, bis zu einem gewissen Maße jedenfalls, für das Überleben des Organismus von elementarer Bedeutung !
Freie Radikale entreißen dem angegriffenen Atom bzw. Molekül ein Elektron und machen es dadurch selbst zu einem Freien Radikal. Chemisch gesehen sind Freie Radikale starke Oxidantien und die durch sie vermittelten Oxidationen laufen meist in Form einer Kettenreaktion ab.
Prinzipiell setzt der Organismus diesen Oxidationen Reduktionen gegenüber, um so Freie Radikale unschädlich zu machen. Viele Mikronährstoffe, aber auch Pflanzen-inhaltsstoffe wirken reduzierend, indem sie ein Elektron an das Freien Radikal abgeben und es dadurch entschärfen. Man bezeichnet sie deshalb als Anti-Oxidantien. Durch ihre Funktion als Anti-Oxidantien haben Vitamine eine besondere Bedeutung für die Gesundheit.
Kann der Körper nun die entstandenen Freien Radikale nicht mehr unschädlich machen, so kommt es zum sogenannten Oxidativen Stress, d.h. es sind zu viele Freie Radikale im Körper bzw. es fehlen Anti-Oxidantien. Oxidativer Stress steht in engem Zusammmenhang mit der Entstehung von vielen Krankheiten wie Arterio-sklerose, Infarkt, Allergien, Gelenksprobleme, Parkinson, Alzheimer, Schmerz- und Verspannungszustände, Multiple Sklerose, Krebs. Wichtig ist auch zu wissen, dass Oxidativer Stress die Hauptursache von den heute oft auftretenden frühzeitigen Alterungsvorgängen ist. Man kann deshalb auch anti-oxidative Vitamine, Spurenelemente und Aminosäuren (Eiweiße) in der Anti-Aging-Behandlung einsetzen.

Huber: Herr Dr. Lauda, vielen Dank für dieses wirklich interessante Gespräch. Es ist sehr erfreulich zu hören, daß man als Patient heute die Wahl hat und sich mit Vitaminen und anderen Mikronährstoffen behandeln lassen kann.

Dr. Lauda: Ich persönlich finde es sehr wichtig, daß den Menschen die Bedeutung der Mikronährstoffe bewusst ist. Nur so können sie die richtigen Entscheidungen für Ihre Gesundheit treffen.


Das Interview wurde geführt von Franz Huber der Zeitschrift Vitaminexpress, Sommerausgabe 2002

Laboratory diagnostics,
a prerequisite for a meaningful use of orthomolecular therapy

1. Free radicals and oxidative stress

For higher organisms, it is vital to gain energy by the inhalation and exhalation of oxygen. The radical oxygens formed during this metabolic reaction in small amounts, however, are toxic and therefore responsible for the so-called oxidative stress on the body's own cells. Therefore, an effective and complicated mechanism had to be created in the course of evolution, which prevents the destruction of the cell by radical oxygen species. In addition, the human body has also learned the radical compounds that arise regularly in the cells to use for himself by using it to fight off viruses and bacteria, but also to the destruction of our own over-aged and defective cells. This is known as the cellular immune response.

Only since the 70s was directed scientific publications of view of operations by increasing the number, the reactive oxygen species (ROS) cause in the body. Through increased especially in the US research effort, which also served to uncover these complex protective mechanisms against these destructive compounds, it is now possible to incorporate new knowledge about the oxidative stress in medical diagnostics and therapy.

The complex system of formation of oxidative stress should here be explained in order to better assess what investigations are necessary to the level of oxidative stress, the function of the protective mechanisms and the antioxidant capacity of our body that we mobilize against oxidative stress can to be able to measure.

1.1 The development of oxidative stress

Thus, the cells of the human body form by collecting the oxygen necessary for the life energy by staying in this specialized parts of the cell (the mitochondria) to convert oxygen to water (reduction of oxygen). It also comes always to the formation of only partially reduced and thus highly reactive oxygen species, the superoxide radicals (O-2.). With the aid of an enzyme of superoxide dismutase (SOD) is favored to convert this radical compound in the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which can then further react with other reactive oxygen species (Fig. 1). These go in the presence of environmental pollutants, with which the human body so constantly in contact, more radical compounds (R.) a.

An accumulation of such radical compounds is responsible for the oxidative stress.


Heavy metals are among the most important cellular stress factors not only generate oxidative stress but also inhibit important for the survival of the cell antioxidant defense mechanisms, or even consume.

Tab. 1 sources of these so-called reactive O2 species (ROS):

  • Carcinogenic substances
  • smoking
  • Heavy metals (mercury, cadmium, palladium, zinc, lead, etc.)
  • ozone
  • UV light
  • alcohol
  • medication
  • chronic inflammation
  • chronic stress
  • Increased oxygen-sales

The radical formation and thus oxidative stress (eg, cigarette smoke) significantly increased mainly due to the increasing exposure to environmental pollutants, changes in dietary conditions (eg ready meals) and Related consumption.

A wide variety of disorders are now associated with the oxidative stress.

Among them

Atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease, autoimmune diseases and neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson's, Alzheimer's), damage to the genetic material, tumor formation or general aging processes.


Fig.1 development of oxidative stress


1.2. Mechanisms of destruction by ROS

Many of these reactive oxygen species can unfortunately large molecules in the human body, such as fats, proteins or nucleic acids - the latter of human genetic information (DNA) is formed - and change other vital substances in the human body adversely. These processes can be thought of as a chain reaction in which more and more radical reactive compounds are formed and react further.

Using the example of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are among the main components of Zellmem-branes, the destructive effects of free radicals will be described. This as "lipid peroxidation" designated reaction leads to an altered permeability of cell membranes, who are responsible for the exchange of nutrients in and out of the cell and ultimately the collapse of nutrient exchange to the destruction of the cell.

Atherosclerosis, rheumatoid diseases, diabetes, various liver diseases, cancer but also the aging be attributed to this oxidative destruction of the cell membrane.

In the course of peroxidation formed by the destruction of the fatty acid chains malondialdehyde, which is considered as a specific indicator of increased fatty acid degradation by the influence of oxygen radicals.


Fig.2 mechanism of lipid peroxidation and the generation of detectable breakdown products


The radical degradation products of lipid destruction could cause like all other oxygen radicals to damage to the genetic information or amino acids that act as building blocks for proteins change.

In the case of damage to the genetic information in the human organism has indeed developed repair mechanisms, but can counteract only to a certain degree these destructive attacks. Especially with increasing age, the efficiency of the repair options decreases more and more.

The results are:

· Disturbances in the propagation of genetic information through breaks in the chain by mutations, ie, by changes in the composition of the information

· The development of cancers.

As a measure of oxidative stress and the efficiency of the repair system, a substance is used today, resulting in increased oxidative attack on the genetic information and can be detected in urine, 8-hydroxy-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG). This oxidative modification can also be directly in front of a cellular excretion in the lymphocytes of the peripheral blood measured as 8-oxo-guanine.

1.3. Mechanisms of defense against reactive oxygen compounds

Since the human body is constantly exposed to different highly reactive oxygen species, there is a complex defense system in which a lot of so-called. Antioxidants are involved (Figure 3).

In this context, the already previously mentioned enzyme superoxide dismutase plays an important role because it can convert oxygen radicals in the safer hydrogen peroxide, which is then degraded by two enzymes, glutathione peroxidase and catalase into oxygen and water.

The activity of glutathione peroxidase is dependent on the provision of sufficiently high glutathione.

To successfully move the reaction toward glutathione peroxidase are other antioxidants or free radical scavengers necessary that some must be obtained from food. Among them is the vitamin E, which in many cases the degradation of unsaturated fatty acids in the membranes can be prevented by radical oxygen species. By the reaction of the membranes with peroxidized fatty acids, vitamin E is itself a free radical. However, this can be regenerated by vitamin C, b-carotene, ubiquinone or other antioxidants again.


Fig.3 defense mechanisms of oxidative stress


1.4. Laboratory diagnostic tests for the detection of oxidative stress

Today the laboratory diagnosis is able to determine the extent to which oxidative stress effect on the human organism and the damages have already occurred.

a. Oxidative Destruction:

The combined measurement of various biomarkers accurate information on the level of oxidative stress in the patient can be given. It may thus the risk of oxidative destruction and prevention strategies that can prevent further injury, are presented. So is circumscribed by measuring the degradation products of lipid peroxidation of cellular membranes and the destruction of cardiovascular lipoproteins, while the measurement of 8-Hydrodeoxyguanosin the oxidative destruction within the cells capability, meaning that genetic information displayed.

Malondialdehyde 5 ml EDTA - blood standard value 0.36 - 1,42μmol / l

4-Hydroxynonenal 5 ml EDTA - blood standard value is less than 50 nmol / l

             Both are major degradation products in the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are found mainly in LDL. High concentrations can be increased lipid peroxidation and oxidative stress accept and correlate with an increased risk of diabetes, heart disease and other age-related diseases. There may also be a associated with a reduced antioxidant levels.

8-hydroxy-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) 10 ml morning urine

8-oxo-guanine 10 ml sodium heparin whole blood

             This parameter is best shown by the degree of oxidative degradation within the cell, ie in the genetic information to allow possible mutations and thus the risk of developing cancer are presented. 8-OHdG is modified by oxidative stress guanosine, a building block of DNA, which was recognized by the repair mechanism, cut and is excreted in the urine. In general, the repair mechanism works very well, but at permanently increased oxidative stress serious prejudice to the genetic information is not excluded.



b. antioxidant capacity

Total antioxidant status (TAS) 5 ml serum normal range 1.3 to 1.7 mmol / l

The total amount and activity of antioxidants in serum is composed of approximately 57% albumin and uric acid, 9% vitamin C and approximately 34% of vitamin E, bilirubin, ß-carotene and other antioxidants unidentified, but also flavonoids together.

The TAS is dependent oxidative stress bon the current and the sum of the antioxidant defense mechanisms. A low TAS value may be due to an increased production of free radicals and antioxidants to low values, which can be triggered by chronic diseases such as diabetes, poor dietary habits, increased environmental toxins or smoking.

Glutathione peroxidase 5 ml EDTA blood

Glutathione peroxidase is an important for the detoxification of reactive oxygen species selenium-dependent enzyme. It builds V. A. Hydroperoxides, including hydrogen peroxide, as well as lipid hydroperoxides from the Menbranen are starting to harmless compounds. Since the activity of glutathione peroxidase by the presence of oxygen radicals is cranked, high values can be an indication of oxidative stress.

5 ml of serum glutathione reductase

Glutathione reductase is an enzyme that regenerates the oxidized in the degradation of reactive oxygen species and glutathione again provides the active glutathione for detoxification so again. At high Glutathionverbrauch and turnover of glutathione reductase increases.

Glutathione 2 ml of blood plasma or 5 ml EDTA whole blood

Glutathione is the main reducing substance in the cells. Glutathione plays an important role in the detoxification of mycotoxins (eg, aflatoxins), aldehydes, aromatic hydrocarbons and pesticides. In the oxidation of glutathione results in a sulfur-sulfur compound of two Glutathionmolekülen, which is re-reduced by glutathione reductase again. Glutathione is, inter alia, used as an important factor that binds the toxins to better detoxify.

Glutathiondefizite occur when the precursors for the production of glutathione (glycine, glutamine or cysteine) are present in too small amounts, if a B12 vitamin deficiency, heavy metals or enhanced detoxification reaction with consumption of glutathione is present.

Superoxide dismutase 5 ml EDTA blood

Superoxide dismutase is essential for the elimination of superoxide radical anions, the main oxygen radical compound responsible. There are various subgroups of superoxide dismutases, which are found in different parts of the body and differ in that they require different metal ions for their activity. Some are dependent on the presence of copper and zinc, while others of manganese.

Vitamin E 2ml serum

Vitamin E is one of the most important fat-soluble antioxidants, which are not produced in the body and must be supplied. Vitamin E shows the fatty acid radical from a hydrogen atom and so terminates the lipid peroxidation of unsaturated fatty acids in many cases. The so radicalized Vitamin E is in turn is regenerated by Vitamin C Vitamin E .. therefore more precautionary against heart disease, also discussed a possible positive impact on cancer prevention.


Normal values in blood


normal range



normal range


150 – 1250 µg/l


54 – 489 µg/l


159 – 660 µg/l


33 – 509 µg/l


75 – 880 µg/l


0 – 68 µg/l

The carotenoids can in oxygen-free (a-carotene, beta-carotene, lycopene) and oxygenated carotenoids (lutein, zeaxanthin, beta-cryptoxanthin), the so-called. Xanthophylls are divided. The difference lies mainly in the heat stability, the former are relatively heat stable, while xanthophylls are destroyed during the cooking process to 60-100%. Epidemiological studies show that unheated vegetable has a stronger anti-cancer Wikung, indicating the special function of heat-sensitive xanthophylls in cancer prevention.

Carotenoids act as antioxidants in part stronger than vitamin E. The antioxidant effect takes place as follows:

Lycopene> ß-Cryproxanthin / ß-carotene> lutein / zeaxanthin> a-carotene

There is evidence that the combination of different carotenoids enhances the antioxidant benefits.

Ubiquinone / coenzyme Q

Ubiquinone is also a potent antioxidant that is found in all cell membranes and as intermediaries for energy education acts through the breathing process. It neutralizes reactive oxygen species and inhibits lipid peroxidation. Coenzyme Q is partially synthesized by the body, but also must be obtained from food.

Next important antioxidants are vitamin C, selenium, zinc, cysteine / methionine, niacin, etc, which are dealt with in the context of vitamin and mineral research.


c. pro-oxidants

Iron status and copper status

             Iron may act pro-oxidative especially in connection with vitamin C in higher doses

             It is reduced by vitamin C in divalent iron and, in this value, as well

as the divalent copper hydrogen peroxide into highly reactive hydroxyl radicals implement.


2. DIAGNOSIS of the performance of the human detoxification systems

The most important own defense mechanism of the human body are the alteration and removal of waste products from the metabolism as well as of toxic substances (toxins) from the environment, which are ingested by humans.

When recording systems of the body, namely skin or gastrointestinal tract, are not intact, toxic chemicals, environmental toxins, endotoxins (poisonous substances that are formed in the gastrointestinal tract by bacteria) increasingly penetrate and other substances on food, skin and intestine in the body and thus the detoxification machinery set in motion and strain. This leads to increased production of free radicals, that is, a higher oxidative stress and an increased risk of systematic destruction of the body.

The liver is the main detoxifying organ in our body. This is where two from interrelated detoxification processes that are as Phase I and Phase II - called detoxification.

In Phase I substances over a complex enzyme system (cytochrome P-450 complex) can be modified in its structure so that the solubility of the substances and the reactivity is increased with polar compounds. This reaction is important for the further smooth adjustment, but itself produces an increased amount of reactive oxygen compounds that are toxic to our organism. Of course, where the cells in which these reactions take place, even before these destructive compounds by antioxidants (vitamin E, vitamin C, glutathione, etc.) to protect.

In Phase II, these reactive substances were only soluble in fat and very slow to react until then are converted into water-soluble forms that can then be easily eliminated or be divorced. For the various detoxification reactions as a carrier glutathione, sulfate, glycine, acetic acid, cysteine and glucuronic acid are necessary on the transport of pollutants to the outside and is removed via the urine or bile.


Figure 4. Principle of pollutant detoxification


When a man is long enough exposed to an elevated amount of toxic substances, detoxification systems are constantly stressed. This inevitably leads to increased oxidative stress, constantly high levels of cytochrome P-450 enzymes and a more limited Phase II - detoxification capacity. The result is then the accumulation of highly reactive radikalischenToxinzwischenproduten in the body, first initiate the destruction of essential fatty acids, lipid peroxidation, and ultimately reduced energy production.

It is now believed that this mechanism is causally associated with the chronic fatigue syndrome (CMS). This is a chronic disease that is often triggered by a viral infection, vaccination or surgery and is characterized by an inexplicable persistent or relapsing fatigue. Today we bring this disease with both an impaired function of organs for energy, detoxify the mitochondria, further oxidative stress and reduced ability in communication. According to new research, it is apparently possible that CMS arises when one is exposed to an increased extent debt and toxins.

There are now in a modern laboratory diagnostics to determine the possibility that the detoxification in the liver is functioning satisfactorily, which can be viewed from several sides. On the one hand, a functional verification of the individual phases detoxification is possible, on the other hand, the activity of the individual enzymes that are active in the detoxification mechanism to be tested. Finally offer genetic testing the possibility to study genetic components of sensitivity to environmental conditions.

Today it is known that environmental chemicals and impurities are not equally fast and well metabolized and detoxified by everyone and that the susceptibility to tumor formation is individual. This is due to small changes in the genetic heredity, the genes, which are also responsible for the formation and activity of detoxification enzymes. Such changes at the molecular level can be analyzed in routine diagnosis and are appropriately involved in the treatment of a disorder in the detoxification system today.

2.1. functional assays

The advantage of this function tests is that no blood sample is needed and they are easy to handle.

DETOX-test: urine sample collected in special tube for 5 hours after caffeine ingestion

after a 24-hour caffeine-free diet, avoiding certain foods is Caffeine and metabolized by cytochromes and the N-acetyltransferase 2. The amounts of certain urinary metabolites provide a measure for the activity of four represents Detoxifikationsenzymen Phase I and II.

Caffeine - Clearance: 2 saliva samples 2 and 14 hours after caffeine ingestion

Via this assay, the detoxification function of the system I, that is, the oxidation of foreign substances and toxins from food ingredients and additives, drugs, environmental toxins, among others checked in the liver. For heavier loads, the activity of the corresponding enzymes is very high.

Caffeine is absorbed and metabolized by the detoxification system I. The concentration of caffeine in saliva and its degradation rate can then be measured. Faster degradation indicates greater exposure to environmental toxins or drugs, while slower degradation indicates damage to the liver cells, which can also be done by environmental toxins.

Benzoate - Clearance: urine sample collected over 4 hours after Benzoateinnahme

Due to the detoxification step II fat-soluble environmental toxins, and other foreign substances by various enzymes in the liver are rendered water-soluble by, among others, substances such as glutathione, sulfate, glycine, acetic acid are bound and excreted by the kidney.

Benzoic acid, taken with caffeine is bound to glycine, thus forming a new substance, hippuric acid, which is then determined in the urine. Decreased hippuric acid on the one hand to environmental stress, on the other hand, the absence of binding partners glycine, glutathione above point. However, increased excretion of hippuric acid may indicate an increased exposure to environmental pollutants.

2.2. genetic testing

Currently, the genetic analysis of various pollutant degradation pathways in the liver is possible with the cytochrome P450 system, glutathione S-transferases and Acetyltansferase are best studied.

For the investigation of genetic predisposing factors for a limited detoxification function 2 ml EDTA blood is required per test. Meanwhile, it is also already possible to carry out the tests with a special Rachenspüllösung, or swab.

Cytochrome P-450 polymorphism for the variants CYP 1A1, CYP1A2, CYP2A6, CYP2D6, CYP2E1, CYP2C9, CYP2C19 and CYP2E1

In the genetic analysis of various cytochrome P450 variants can be determined if the patient is already carries a limited detoxification capacity of Phase I in his possession. Cytochrome P450 1A1, for example, has an important role in the detoxification of dioxin, PCB or Benzapyrene who highly toxic or even carcinogenic properties.

Glutathione S-transferase genetic tests for Varanten GST-M1 and GST GST-P1-T1

The glutathione-S-transferase is involved in the detoxification reaction phase II in the liver (and other organs), and helps to dispose of many chemicals, as well as heavy metals such as cadmium or mercury by the attachment of glutathione to the toxin. In addition, the glutathione-S-transferase plays an important role in the reduction of oxidative stress in the cells. A decreased activity by genetic predisposition, one can imagine that this is also an increased risk of developing diseases such as liver cirrhosis, chronic. Bronchitis or various cancers is caused.

N-acetyltransferase II gene test

N-Acetyltansferase is an enzyme that in phase II detoxification eg acetic acid transmits on aromatic amines and other pollutants, and thus this degrades. This can impact in the event of reduced activity of this enzyme by demonstrating genetic variation in an increased risk of cancer formation.

1.3. Tests for the enzymatic activity

Glutathione S-transferase type alpha (2 ml serum), theta (2 ml EDTA), pi (2 ml EDTA)

The glutathione S-transferase is crucially involved in the detoxification of raised external and toxins in Phase II. The glutathione S-transferase glutathione transmits the pollutant, which can then be excreted in the urine and bile without problems. The glutathione-S-transferase consists of a number of different shapes that can eliminate pollutants in each case different. Low GST values can be made longer lasting high levels of pollutants either by a genetic defect (see above), lack of pollution or. Elevated levels usually go hand in hand an increased volume of pollutants.


3. How to recognize vitamin deficiencies?

Vitamin analyzes are becoming increasingly important as vitamins (gg example. Oxidative stress) play an important role in defense mechanisms and functions of the body play.

In the assessment of micronutrient status of the population very controversial beach points are often represented. While some assume that there is virtually no vitamin deficiencies in our current living conditions, authors have increasingly towards more or less severe supply shortages already on larger population units.

Possible factors influencing these different reviews on the one hand, the orientation at different stages of deficiency, divergent threshold determinations and analytical methods differences.

Due to a reduced supply of many vitamins vitamin use is made of the body depots in the case. To counter the increasing availability decreased vitamin, vitamin concentration is initially decreased in the blood and reduces the vitamin excretion in the urine. Then, the formation is reduced by metabolically active vitamin levels, which is also reflected in declining blood and urine values. In the further course this leads to the decrease in activity of the enzymes and hormones, which are dependent on vitamins. Only now finds early signs of changes in metabolism and externally visible changes, but they are very often nonspecific. Only in severe deficiency caused pathological changes that are attributable to a particular enzyme deficiency. If no vitamin supplementation is started at this time, this damage may be irreparable.

For the determination of vitamin deficiency - phenomena we have various analytical methods are available:

- The concentration of vitamins or metabolites is measured in biological material such as whole blood, serum, red blood cells, the erythrocytes, urine, cerebrospinal fluid and tissue

- Indirect tests take into account features such as enzyme activity, which are directly related to the status of various vitamins

To obtain actual evidence about the vitamin status, various vitamins must be determined in various biological materials. So are the vitamins B6, biotin, nicotinamide, pantothenic acid and vitamin C in blood serum and erythrocytes, red blood cells, distributed largely the same, while thiamine, riboflavin and folic acid are mainly represented in the erythrocytes. Vitamin B12 and fat-soluble vitamins A and E are mainly found in certain organs and tissues, but are related to the blood serum in equilibrium, so that any provision in this is preferred.

In principle, the determination in urine would reflect the vitamin balance, however, cause food-related influences but also urine collection errors to significant errors.

3.1. Vitamin status in serum / whole blood

DieProbennahme them every morning before breakfast and before any medication

occur and the blood are taken from the ungestauten vein. Hemolysis is to be avoided. In the following list you can see the individual vitamins necessary Maßnahmenfür. The material for urine determination should be shipped in principle protected from light!




standard valuesv

Vitamin A


200 - 1000 µg/l



150 - 1250 µg/l

vitamin B1





< 5,0          µg/l

thiamine pyrophosphate


30 - 90       µg/l

vitamin B2





125 – 200   µg/l



2 - 15         µg/l

vitamine B6



  pyridoxal phosphate


5 - 30         µg/l

vitamin B12



200 - 950   pg/ml

vitamin C/ascorbic acid


Li-Heparin blood, l

2 - 14         µg/ml

folic acid


3,6 - 16,9   µg/ml

vitamin E/Tocopherol



5 - 16         mg/l



>200          ng/l


3.2. Functional tests for vitamins

  • Homocysteine produced in the conversion of the amino acid methionine in cysteine. The enzymatic conversion is dependent on Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12 and folic acid. An elevated homocysteine level is found in lack of these enzymes and elevated homocysteine level is a risk factor for atherosclerosis.
  • Kryptopyrrol n is a possible by-product that can occur erratically in the Synthes of hemoglobin. It has the characteristic of vitamin B6 and zinc to complex, the complex is excreted in the urine, and so there is a constant withdrawal of vitamin B6 and zinc, which should be addressed therapeutically to eliminate deficiencies
  • Vitamin B12:
    In a functional test, the so-called. Schilling test, 1 mg of vitamin B12 is taken, after which the blood of the vitamin levels must rise. If there is no increase in this test with additional intake of intrinsic factor, which supports the absorption of vitamin B12 from the gastrointestinal tract repeated. In this way, a possible inclusion disorder can be analyzed.
    In vitamin B12 serum levels below 100 pg / ml, in the addition to a measurably increased excretion of urinary methylmalonic acid
  • Folic acid:
    To assess the folate status is also the sigenannte FIGLU is - excretion after Histidinbelastung. Since the degradation of histidine is folic acid-dependent, the FIGLU excretion in urine increased folate deficiency.
  • Transketolase activity in red blood cells is an indicator for a lack of vitamin B1, vitamin B1 is because the coenzyme of the transketolase, an enzyme which is involved in sugar degradation of the body.
  • Vitamin B2:
    Malfunctions can be detected with the measurement of the glutathione reductase (GR), whose coenzyme is riboflavin or vitamin B2. The GR is involved in the regeneration of spent glutathione, which is involved in defense against reactive oxygen species in the body.
  • Vitamin B6:
    A functional test, where you have to take 5 g of tryptophan, is its degradation via enzymes transketolase activity in red blood cells is an indicator of vitamin B1 deficiency, because vitamin B1 is the coenzyme of transketolase, an enzyme that is involved in the breakdown of sugar in the body.
  • Vitamin B2:
    Cellular dysfunction can be detected with the measurement of erythrocyte glutathione reductase (GR), the coenzyme is riboflavin or vitamin B2. The GR is involved in the regeneration of spent glutathione, which is involved in the defense of Sauerstoffradukalen in the body.

4. mineral and trace element profile

By conscious or unconscious Malnutrition disease development is affected that are now leading cause of death in industrialized and highly developed areas of the world. Our current eating habits and the advanced food technologies have increasingly a discrepancy between demand and actual recording of vital substances are formed.

In this context, in addition to the vitamins, the composition of minerals and the so-called. Trace elements in the body of great importance. Although they account for, and receive enable trace elements together with minerals life is only about 0.01% of body weight. Of nine elements we know that they are absolutely vital for humans, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, iodine, molybdenum, chromium, selenium, at least another three, fluorine, vanadium, silicon, are also vital. Others again are already harmful in trace amounts. They include lead, mercury, cadmium and arsenic.

Since the so-called. Essential minerals can not be synthesized by the human body itself, it is dependent on an adequate and continuous supply of food. A deficiency may be responsible for malfunctions and diseases - an abundance can often have toxic effects. Was largely unknown until now in many cases the mutual influence of trace elements.

Modern methods of analytical chemistry, such as flameless atomic absorption spectroscopy or analysis by neutron activation are capable of distinguishing trace elements at concentrations below 0.1 millionths. In order to obtain a meaningful picture of the Elemetstatus, must also be decided which part of the body that should be analyzed.

In the living patient usually is only a rather small range of options available for sampling. Lead should actually be best determined in the bones, cadmium in the liver or the kidneys. In daily practice, however, there are only very limited possibility to specifically refer to body tissue, although the bulk of the minerals can be found inside the cells.

Therefore, other less invasive methods of analysis are preferred in the daily routine, requiring a less complex sampling. Among them are blood tests in plasma and whole blood and urine. Each of these studies shows us different states of the mineral composition in the body.

The blood analyzes reflect the current mineral status in and outside the cells, while only the minerals are found in the urine that are being eliminated, making the urine more limited use.

Minerals, and their main determinants materials

  • Aluminum plasma / urine
  • Lead whole blood / urine
  • Urine cadmium / whole blood
  • Chrome urine / serum
  • cobalt urine
  • Iron serum (serum ferritin, iron binding capacity, free iron porphyrins)
  • Gold nails / hair / urine / (plasma)
  • Copper plasma / hair / (urine)
  • Manganese plasma / S.urin / chair / hair
  • Molybdenum plasma / urine / hair
  • Nickel urine / plasma / (hair)
  • Palladium urine / hair / whole blood
  • Platinum urine / plasma / hair
  • Mercury Whole Blood / prox.Haare / urine
  • Selenium plasma / urine / hair / Glutathionp.
  • Strontium urine / hair
  • Thallium urine / feces / hair
  • Titan urine
  • Zinc urine, hair


4.1. The blood analysis

Depending on the diagnostic problem, representative samples of the organism can be studied. Usually the blood is therefore a suitable specimen because it represents a transport medium between all parts of the body and a beacon for this biochemical change may also have difficulty in inaccessible organs. Nevertheless pushes the significance of mineral provisions in the blood of frontiers, since the blood is just a limited compensation and balance indicator for the current exchange of trace elements between the various organs.

Thus, a zinc deficiency manifest initially for a long time, no changes in the blood because muscle and bone tissue accumulate abundant reserves, even if they have no real storage organs. On the other hand, by surgery, larger wounds or burns lead to quick but short-term changes in blood zinc.

A mineral investigation in the blood so primarily shows the average power status and consumption rate of trace elements and minerals, and not so much the exact proportions of each institution.

The analysis is carried out either in the blood plasma, ie, in the colorless portion of the blood, whole blood or red blood cells the red blood cells and plasma serum are adapted to represent a current state or short-term changes.

In the literature there are most measurements for mineral concentrations in serum and plasma before, so that the measurements can be based on relatively precise standard values

A relatively significant parameter is the determination of minerals in the erythrocytes, the könnem reflect chronic losses and deficiencies due to their average life of about 120 days.


In medical studies in biological material, it also depends on proper sampling. In spite of the low concentration of minerals in the human body should impurities, as far as possible, especially be on substances which are ubiquitous in nature, are excluded. They include zinc or copper, but also manganese and chromium. The decrease in this parameter, there are special metal analysis sampling sets that exclude contamination during sampling almost.


Calcium, copper, fluorine, selenium low risk of contamination
Aluminum, chromium, cobalt, manganese, zinc contamination risk by high air, dust, blood collection, processing, storage, shipment
Iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, molybdenum, zinc hemolytic effects
Iron, zinc fluctuations during the day
Zink ingestion (Fasting blood collection!)

Are already in the blood taking so precautions are taken, an emphasis on freedom from contamination of the acceptance device (teflon-coated needles, plastic tubes) are placed and hemolysis be avoided.

Individual predictors

The mineral profile may vary due to physiological factors such as age, sex, diet, pregnancy. All of these factors should therefore be included in the form of a detailed medical history in the assessment.

Predictors description
Biorhythm daily and seasonal rhythm, menstrual cycle
Constitution physical activity, body position, fluid distribution in the body, pregnancy, lactation, growth
Disease Disease stage of this disease, therapy, narcotics, alcohol consumption
nutrition Fasting diet, dieting, utilization disorders
Age / Gender

Stages of development of the child, ages of geschelchtsabh. Metabolic functions (eg, puberty, menopause)

medication Diuretika


Standard ranges of whole blood analysis

From a lithium heparin blood analysis is to trace elements and toxic metals through and to create a detailed special findings.


Normal values in plasma

Standard levels in erythrocytes


135 - 144   mmol/l

<5           mmol/l


3,7 - 5,7     mmol/l

126 – 144     mmol/l


2,15 - 2,6   mmol/l

0,3 – 0,81     mmol/l


0,73 - 1,05 mmol/l

1,80 – 2,60   mmol/l


70 – 127    µg/dl

1000 – 1500 µg/dl


35 – 168    µg/dl

131 – 144     mg/dl


80 – 160    µg/dl

87 – 128       µg/dl


10 - 70       µg/l

<10               µg/l


0,15 - 0,41 µg/l

0,2 – 0,5       µg/l


0 – 1,         µg/l

0 - 1,4           µg/l


0- 1,1         µg/l

2,7 – 5,7       µg/l


74 – 139    µg/l

85 – 140       µg/l


0,3 – 1,3    µg/l

18 - 53         µg/l


0 - 1,3        µg/l

0 - 2             µg/l


0-0,4          µg/l

0 - 1,6          µg/l


0-300         µg/l

47 - 85         µg/l


2 - 15         µg/l

3 - 15           µg/l


0,1 - 7,2     µg/l

0,1-7,2         µg/l


0 – 0,3       µg/l

0 – 1            µg/l


0 – 0,1       µg/l

0 – 0,1         µg/l


0 – 0,3       µg/l

0 – 0,3         µg/l


0 - 7,7        µg/l

0 - 7,7          µg/l


0 – 0,3       µg/l

0 – 0,3         µg/l


0 – 0,2       µg/l

0 – 0,2         µg/l


0 - 10         µg/l

0 – 10          µg/l


OXIDATIVE STRESS notes for use in Clinical Diagnostics

chronic / reizidivierend
TAS - GSHi - VitCi - Vit B6
Zinc - selenium - carotenoids
GSH/GSSG - homocysteine
IGF I - melatonin
Vit B6 - carotenoids
SE - Zn - mg
Cortisol/DHEAS-IGF I
GSH / GSSG - homocysteine
Vit C - Ac/Carnitin-melatonin
VitE - 8-OHdG - SAM
Vit B12/folate - VitD3
Fibromyalgia TAS - MDA - GSHi
Vit B6 - mg - Zn
GSG/GSSG - melatonin  
Inflammation / autoimmune disease TAS - MDA - GSHi
SE - Zn - melatonin
Cortisol/DHEAS - IGF-I.
GSH/GSSG - carotenoids
SAM - VitE
Homocysteine - VitD3
Allergy SE - Zn - GSHi
GST's - VitC - VitB6
Cortisol/DHEAS - melatonin
VitE - SAM
VitD3 - IGF I - SOD
Caffeine Clearence
Genotyping stage I/II
CHD / atherosclerosis TAS - MDA - selenium
VitE - VitC - lycopene
oxLDL-AK - LP(a) - GSHi
GSH/GSSG ubiquinone/Q10
Hyper tonus TAS - MDA - VitC - VitE
Lycopene - ubiquinone/Q10 LPOX - PGF2
Cancer / malignancy TAS - MDA - 8OHdG - GSHi
Lycopene - VitC - VitE - Vit B6
Melatonin - selenium - zinc
Cortisol/DHEAS - IGF-I.
GSH/GSSG - homocysteine
Iron - copper
MCS / environmental illness TAS MDA/teeth - 8OHdG
GSHEry - GST's - selenium
VitC - VitB6 - VitE
Cortisol/DHEAS - melatonin
GSH/GSSG - carotenoids
HSP-AK - homocysteine
Vit B12 - folate - GR
Caffeine Clearence
Genotyping stage I/II
Pollutants TAS MDA/teeth - 8OHdG
GSHEry - GST's - selenium
Hg - CD - PB / PCP - lindane
VitB6 - Vit C
Melatonin - GSH/GSSG
Reference - GPX - GR - VitE
Vit B12 - folate
Caffeine Clearence
Genotyping StufeI / II
DNA single-strand breaks
Poly neuropathy TAS - MDA - GSHi - SAM
Homocysteine - carotenoids
Melatonin - VitC
GSH/GSSG - GST's - reference
VitE - VitB6 - VitB12 - folate
Parkinson's disease dementia

Melatonin - GSHi - VitC
Homocysteine - carotenoids

GSH/GSSG - reference
Cortisol/DHEAS - IGF-I.
Genotyping stage I/II
VitB6 - VitB12 - folate



Everyone enjoys many amenities and achievements of the "modern" high-tech industrial nations. But is often forgotten that the price is for a richly laden with pollutants environment. The list and chemical composition of these pollutants (xenobiotics) long, its origin is different (household, workplace, Food Chain, traffic, etc.) (Tab. 1).
It is worth mentioning that, so to speak voluntarily performed, stress and damage to the organism with the pollutants of cigarette smoking and excessive alcohol consumption!

Health from environmental pollutants

Common to all environmental pollutants, however, is that it can lead to certain adverse health effects in humans. These impairments ranging from general malaise such as malaise, fatigue, irritability, headache, indigestion, joint and muscle pain to chronic, sometimes not return irreversible diseases (atherosclerosis, cancer, lung disease, etc.).

Recent research in chronic environmental pollution showed no relationship between dose and effect, ie, physical complaints are not greater, the higher the load. All that matters is the duration of the pollutant effect! Also, no organ relatedness reveals. The same pollutants can cause different diseases in different people.

Knowledge of pollutant effects on human health are usually acquired through animal testing. This is very problematic for mehrerlei view and the results are very transferable to humans. A rat is for example able to form even vitamin C.

Environmental pollutants as radical

Metabolic processes in the human body are nothing but complex biochemical reaction processes. This produces among other highly reactive molecules known as free radicals.

Free radicals have one or more unpaired electrons and are, therefore, chemically speaking, very aggressive. They act means of oxidation ("burning") tend to chain reactions and may be of any biological structure (eg. As amino acids, cell membranes, genetic material) attack, cause damage or even destroy. Free radicals snatch the attacked molecule or atom an electron and thereby making it even becomes a free radical. Free radicals are so strong Oxidaktien and mediated reactions they oxidations, which occur mostly in the form of a chain reaction. Most environmental pollutants cause now referred to as "oxidative stress" to an increased formation of free radicals, in technical language.

The medicine now knows a number of diseases that are directly related to an oxidative stress (free radical-associated diseases) (Tab. 3).

Cell protection by anti-oxidants

In principle, the organism sets these oxidations reductions compared to, so as to render free radicals harmless. Many micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, trace elements, glutathione, cysteine, flavonoids, etc.) have a reducing effect by donating an electron to the free radical and thus mitigate it. Is a substance made of medical-biochemical point of view as anti-oxidants.

They thus protect the cell and ultimately the entire organism against attacks and related damage by free radicals.

Free radicals as helpers and healers

Free radicals but also have an important protective function in the human body. They are used by white blood cells (immune system) is generated and used for destruction of bacteria, viruses, and malignant cells (precursor cancer) and are therefore, in physiological limits, for humans indispensable.

So harmful is only an excess of free radicals.

Biochemical laboratory scale for diagnosis

Various biochemical laboratory parameters can be determined (Tab. 2) From the viewpoint of environmental pollution and the environment-related diseases.

In particular, the determination of the Kryptopyrrols in the urine (cryptopyrroluria) should be noted. People with a cryptopyrroluria are particularly vulnerable to environmental contaminants. These genetic, metabolic disorder is found in about 10% of the population.

Rather difficult experience has shown that the direct pollutant detection and its identification as a disease-causing cause.

Further important is the analysis of Glutathionsystems and the amino acid methionine.

The tripeptide glutathione, consisting of the amino acids glycine, cysteine and glutamine is the most important for humans intracellular reducing substance. Both are for detoxification reactions in the human organism is of paramount importance. Therefore very often to be found in environment-related diseases is a lack of these substances, especially when methionine.

Prevention and protection through a healthy lifestyle

It goes without saying that the environmental impact can hardly escape, with the exception of smoking and excessive alcohol consumption!

Particular importance in this area to a healthy lifestyle based on three main pillars:

  • physical Activity
  • proper diet
  • Peace of mind


Physical Activity

Above all, American studies have proven very nice the many benefits of regular physical activity for health promotion. In particular by the anti-oxidative protection system of the people is strengthened. Even the regular (faster) walk counts already on physical activity. Not recommended in health sport, any form of extreme physical stress (eg. As marathon). This leads, on the contrary, to increased free radical formation and oxidative stress!

Proper diet

The basic principles of a proper diet are more organic whole foods and whole grains and less meat or sausage and refined sugar. Central importance is attached to an adequate daily intake of anti-oxidative micronutrients, such as those contained abundant in fresh, unprocessed fruits and vegetables.

The oft-cited "balanced diet" for the appropriate micronutrient intake is more of a dream of many "specialists" and theorists. The reality regarding the eating habits of many people in this country is that they are qualitatively and quantitatively feed incorrectly and therefore do not reach the required daily intake of anti-oxidative micronutrients! Based on our systematic micronutrient analyzes in blood and food chemistry studies can prove it easily!

For this purpose a small example: In order to prevent cancer, the American Cancer Research Institute recommends (National Cancer Institute), daily 5 (five) servings of fruits or vegetables to eat in order to ensure sufficient supply of anti-oxidative micronutrients. There certainly are not very many people who follow the recommendation!

The special importance of micronutrients is their indispensability to humans (Tab. 4). You must be consumed in the diet because the human body can not produce them itself. All micronutrients is more common that they are truly multi-talented with diverse functions in the complex human metabolic process.

One of the main functions of numerous micronutrients is, as described above, in its effect as an important anti-oxidants in the human body!

Straight from the perspective of environmental pollutants daily, additional intake of a (low-dose!) Micronutrient preparation (vitamins, minerals, trace elements), then, in addition to a possible balanced and varied diet, thoroughly recommended.

It has been shown, for example, that vitamin C effectively counteracts lead accumulation in bone and brain or that vitamin E and the trace element selenium are effective helper against pollutants from the air. Smoking households is also the purchase of an electrostatic air filter for the elimination of air pollutants recommended.

Must be warned at this point, however, before an uncontrolled intake of micronutrients in its "Guttünchen"! In particular, the trace elements are problematic in this regard.

Talk to your doctor!

Peace of mind

In this case, there is no general recommendations. Each person must develop its individual strategy to find the mental balance! A key to this is certainly the slogan "back to nature". There's just in Austria many ways to enjoy the beauty, peace and power of nature and so to find emotional balance.

Tab. 1

Examples of environmental pollutants

  • formaldehyde
  • Heavy metals (V. A. lead, cadmium, mercury)
  • Nitrogen-containing compounds (nitrates)
  • Halogenated / chlorinated hydrocarbons
  • radiation
  • electrosmog
  • u.v.a.m.


Tab. 2

Laboratory analyzes of environmental-borne illnesses (selection)

  • Total plasma tables redox capacity to Rice-Evans
  • malondialdehyde
  • vitamins
  • Zinc, selenium, manganese, copper, magnesium
  • Kryptopyrrol in the urine (+ Vit. B6 in the blood)
  • Total cholesterol, triglycerides
  • Lactate, pyruvate (idle, load)
  • glutathione
  • homocysteine
  • Inesterase


Tab. 3

Radical-associated diseases (oxidative stress)

  • cancer
  • Atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction (heart, brain)
  • osteoarthritis
  • lung diseases
  • AIDS
  • Diseases of the central nervous system
  • Premature aging (skin, brain, eye, etc.)
  • liver damage
  • allergies
  • Chronic inflammatory diseases ("rheumatism")


Tab. 4

Important micronutrients

  • Vitamins (z. B. A, beta-carotene, C, E, B complex, folic acid)
  • Minerals (such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium)
  • Trace elements (eg selenium, zinc, copper, manganese, iron, chromium)
  • Certain proteins and amino acids (eg. As methionine, cysteine, glutamate)
  • Phytochemicals (z. B. Flavonoids, allicin, indoles, saponin)
  • Coenzymes (z. B. coenzyme Q 10)
  • Fatty acids (eg. As omega-3 fatty acids)
  • Variety of other substances (eg. As choline, ginseng, lecithin, propolis, algae).



Dr. Bodo Kuklinski

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